Personal Website of Conrad Borchers

Welcome! 👋 I am a PhD student at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science where I am advised by Vincent Aleven and Ken Koedinger. I am broadly interested in studying the effectiveness of educational technologies and pathways through data science methods.

I previously blogged on the APIs of Twitter and CrowdTangle, among others. Some highlights, including information on how I created this website, are listed here. Feel free to explore my posts here.

Connect with me via X (formerly Twitter) @conradborchers or e-mail to discuss research opportunities or CMU's academic programs.


Our ICQE '24 paper received a best paper nomination (pdf) (10/2024)
New paper on scaffolding in tutoring systems to appear at ICQE '24 online (08/2024)
Two best paper awards received at EDM '24 paper 1, paper 2 (07/2024)
New paper in C&E Open published (06/2024)
One full paper accepted to EC-TEL '24 (preprint) (06/2024)
L@S paper on differential course difficulty is online (preprint) (06/2024)

Older News

Paper on predicting learner performance with LLMs receives an HCII '24 best paper award (06/2024)
Three EDM24 preprints are out! long, long, short (04/2024)
Full AIED BlueSky paper accepted. Read it here. See you in Brazil... (04/2024)
One L@S paper accepted. Preprint coming soon. (04/2024)
Two ISLS papers (long) and (short) led by my 2023 NSF REU interns were accepted (03/2024)
LAK '24 in Kyoto! Co-presented two full papers (1) (2), a workshop paper, and a poster (03/2024)
New preprints on improving knowledge tracing and tutoring through LLMs (1) (2) (02/2024)

Two full papers accepted to LAK '24. Preprint 1, Preprint 2 (12/2023)
One AAAI workshop + one paper accepted to HCI international '24. Stay tuned... (12/2023)
Grateful and excited to be named a Learnest Ethical AI in Education Fellow (10/2023)
Our ETRD paper discussing Facebook post data for ed research is now online (08/2023)
Our paper on using Facebook post data for ed research is accepted to ETRD. Preprint (06/2023)
Full paper on ITS vs. pen-and-paper practice accepted to EC-TEL '23. Read the preprint here (06/2023)
Our Plos One paper on eye-tracking to gauge dentistry students' diagnosic process is online (06/2023)
Short paper on teacher stop detection optimization accepted to EDM '23. Paper (04/2023)
Poster on Twitter community switching inference accepted to EDM '23. Read the paper here (04/2023)
Full paper on spatiotemporal analytics in AI-tutor classrooms accepted to AIED '23. Paper (04/2023)
Our LAK '23 paper on Course Load Analytics won a best full paper honorable mention. PDF (03/2023)
My Bachelor's thesis work was accepted to Plos One. Details to come. (03/2023)
Short paper accepted to ISLS '23 on teacher attention allocation with Lumilo. Read it here (03/2023)
Delighted to receive the 2022 Oxford Internet Institute Thesis Prize. Press release (03/2023)

Full paper accepted to LAK '23, find the preprint here (12/2022)
Learning, Media and Technology paper now online (11/2022)
Educational Researcher paper now online (11/2022)
Talked with Kyle Polich about a recent paper on the Data Skeptic Podcast (10/2022)
Moved to Pittsburgh, PA... (08/2022)
Paper accepted to The Internet and Higher Education. Find the pdf here! (08/2022)
Paper accepted to Learning, Media and Technology (08/2022)
Paper accepted to Educational Researcher (07/2022)
Paper accepted for the 4th Workshop on Gender Bias in NLP at NAACL 2022 (05/2022)
I updated this website and will post upcoming announcements here (03/2022)

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