Advantages of this template
- Continue and stop the power simulation at any time by just re-running the script
- Save each model fit individually so that effects, (co)variances and p-values can be extracted later flexibly
# Setup
simdat <- readRDS("dat_structure.rds") # data / design matrix without target variable
# Random effect covariances
theta <- c(0.3, 0.05, -0.2, 0.11, 1.11)
# Minimal relevant effect sizes, input as ORs in this case
# Intercept, main effects and interaction effect (ratio of odd ratios)
# (2 pairs, ratio of odds ratios)
ORs <- c(1, 1.15, 0.85, 1, 1.15/0.85)
beta <- ORs %>% log()
# simulate() expects all parameters in a list
params <- list(theta, beta)
# Simulations, save each model fit in /simulated-models
i <- dir("./simulated-models", pattern="*.rds") %>% length # continue where you left off
end <- 1000 # planned number of simulations
while (i <= end) {
# Simulate target variable
simdat$target <- simulate(
~ (1|group:id) + (1|item) + pred1 + pred2*int,
newparams = params,
newdata = simdat,
family = binomial
# Fit model
m <- glmer(target ~ (1|group:id) + (1|item) + pred1 + pred2*int,
data = simdat, family = binomial, nAGQ=0)
# Save output with timestamp
time <- Sys.time() %>% str_replace_all(pattern=" |:", replacement = "-")
fn <- paste0("./simulated-models/simulated-model-", time, ".rds")
saveRDS(summary(m), fn) # only saving summary() is more memory efficient
# Progress
i <- i+1
cat("\014", i, "out of", end, "models simulated\n")
For interpreting logistic regression estimates and interactions, I found this blog post really useful.