
Permutation Test for F-score Differences in Python

April 22, 2021
Permutation tests can be applied in very diverse scenarios...
code-snippet python stats

Code Snippet: How to Embed a Jupyter Notebook in Your Hugo Static Website

January 22, 2021
Sure you could use a fancy render script, but you could also keep it simple...
code-snippet hugo python

Code Snippet: Including Shiny Apps in Your Static Website with Hugo

January 9, 2021
Adjust the iframe accordingly through shortcode argument parsing
code-snippet hugo shiny R

Code Snippet: Generalized Linear Mixed Models Power Analysis in R

November 26, 2020
A flexible approach that can be stopped and continued at any time. Example code for logistic regression.
R stats code snippet

Code Snippet: Automatically hydrating tweets in rtweet while avoiding rate limits

October 23, 2020
Rate limits can cause the Twitter API to return less tweets without you noticing it.
R twitterAPI code snippet