Twitter Deutschland

October 1, 2020
An examination of Germany's educational Twitter sphere
research twitterAPI R nlp

Code to automatically generate a search bar in JS from XML page content in Hugo

March 3, 2022
hugo js r

Recent Blogging on Statistical Concepts

June 30, 2021
Teaching things you've learned can be a rewarding challenge
stats r

Code Snippet: Including Shiny Apps in Your Static Website with Hugo

January 9, 2021
Adjust the iframe accordingly through shortcode argument parsing
code-snippet hugo shiny R

Using Bash to Query the CrowdTangle API and Parsing Outputs to CSV with R

December 19, 2020
Once again, understanding your API yields unexpected advantages and flexibility
tutorial crowdtangle bash R

Code Snippet: Generalized Linear Mixed Models Power Analysis in R

November 26, 2020
A flexible approach that can be stopped and continued at any time. Example code for logistic regression.
R stats code snippet

Extracting Facebook IDs and User Names from Uncleaned Facebook URLs with R

November 22, 2020
Facebook URL structures have changed over time and merging data from different sources might be difficult initially
crowdtangle R

Consistently Substituting IDs with Randomized Numbers Using R

November 1, 2020
An easy fix to replacing multiple occurences of ID variables throughout a data set
tutorial R

Code Snippet: Automatically hydrating tweets in rtweet while avoiding rate limits

October 23, 2020
Rate limits can cause the Twitter API to return less tweets without you noticing it.
R twitterAPI code snippet